
Copyright © Graeme Finn

About Us

Along with my wife Heather and our two daughters, Claire and Morgan, we run a beef operation near Madden, Alberta. We rent around 2800 acres of pasture on long-term agreements for our yearling grass operation and beef cow herd. We focus on year-round grazing in high legume pastures, annual crop grazing, and intensive rotational and winter swath grazing strategies. 

When assessing the potential productivity of possible pastures to rent we have found that most require major rejuvenation. We mainly sod seed pastures - the goal being to start with a clean seed bed. We then use a fall or spring burn off with glyphosate for weed and existing vegetation control if needed. In addition to increasing soil health and promoting sustainability throughout our grazing program, we have found that a mixture of grasses and legumes gives us the best milk production and weight gains for our grazing cattle. We always say: do not be afraid of using legumes! With grazing management they can be the best for your pastures.

Our philosophy is to work with the environment to improve the environment.

We do this through rotational cattle grazing in mixed pastures and fertilizing with cattle manure and different vegetation. 

We are always willing to lend a hand and keen to talk anything grass!

Southern Cross Livestock
51.38455829999999,-114.2620222Crossfield, AlbertaT0M0S0CA
Phone: 14033122240 Website: www.southerncrosslivestock.ca